Anchoring Methods

The primary concern for anchoring an OWHL is that the device is held in a fixed position relative to the seafloor. It should not be attached to a subsurface float or other structure that would let the OWHL change position in the water column during the deployment. In relatively calm conditions, attaching the OWHL to a lead brick resting on the bottom could be sufficient (Figure 35).

In This Section:

  1. Anchoring in Soft Sediments
  2. Anchoring in Hard Reef
  3. Anchor Block Build
    1. Deck Block Modification
    2. PVC Pipe Modification
    3. Assembly of the Anchor Block

Figure 35: An OWHL attached to an 11 kg (25 lb) lead brick with band clamps. (Photo credit: The Bay Foundation)
Figure 35: An OWHL attached to an 11 kg (25 lb) lead brick with band clamps. (Photo credit: The Bay Foundation)